The WWE NXT Gold Rush Week 2 edition opens up with a look at Baron Corbin arriving to the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida earlier today, in his Porsche. We also see NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams arriving this afternoon. We cut to a video package of highlights from NXT Gold Rush Week 1. We’re now live from the WWE Performance Center as Vic Joseph welcomes us and he’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.
Here The WWE NXT Gold Rush Week 2 Full Results
– Tiffany Stratton defeated Thea Hail via pinfall and successfully retained her WWE NXT Women’s Championship. After the match, Stratton stands tall. Gulak and Dempsey join Duke and Hail in the ring now, but they double team Duke with a sneak attack. Hail yells at them to stop. The music hits and out comes Andre Chase to a big return pop. Chase unloads on Gulak and Dempsey. Duke and Chase now team up to clear the ring. Chase U celebrates as the music hits.
– We get a hype video on Ilja Dragunov.
– We see Wolfgang and Mark Coffey walking backstage, and they say they haven’t heard from Joe Coffey. The champs also say they will deal with Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo after winning tonight. We cut to Edris Enofe and Malik Blade walking backstage, and they say now is their time.
– We see Dana Brooke getting her knee iced in the trainer’s room last week. Newcomer Kelani Jordan walks up and they exchange some minor praise and look forward to wrestling each other.
– Gallus defeated Edris Enofe and Malik Blade via pinfall and successfully retained their WWE NXT Tag Team Titles. After the match, Gallus stands tall with the titles and Stacks stares them down from ringside, while Angel and Humberto look on from up above.
– Still to come, a Family Meeting with The Schism.
– McKenzie Mitchell at backstage with Meta-Four. She keeps asking Noam Dar about the NXT Heritage Cup but he doesn’t want to talk about it. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson send a warning to Undisputed WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler. Oro Mensah goes on about Meta-Four being the best, then he cuts the interview short. McKenzie asks Dar for a prediction on tonight’s Heritage Cup match and he says she sucks.
– We go to the ring and The Schism is out for a Family Meeting. Ava talks about the tension and turmoil, and says all of their feelings are valid, and they don’t need to hide emotions. She asks if they can express them freely in the name of family and Joe Gacy says go ahead. Jagger Reid goes on about Gacy bringing them on a year ago, but now it’s like they’re just enhancing Gacy’s life.
Reid says The Dyad’s bond is going on 18 years and they’re now losing trust in Gacy. He says either Joe has lost his way or he’s full of crap. Ava snaps at Reid. Gacy says he owns his own shortcomings but thanks Jagger for his honesty. Gacy recalls The Dyad being two lost souls who he saved from obscurity and gave a home. Rip Fowler says they were in a bad place and beat up when Gacy found them and showed them a new way, but now they are seeing cracks and Joe is flip-flopping on what he says about inclusivity.
Rip says they are starting to realize who they really are, and maybe the problem was never them. Maybe… Ava snaps at Rip. Joe says he did preach inclusivity and that brought them Ava, which he will never apologize for. Joe goes on and says The Dyad is different now, they are ready to take over the world and that was not the case one year ago when he found them.
Gacy goes on until The Diamond Mine interrupts – Julius Creed, Brutus Creed and Ivy Nile. The two factions trade shots until Joe proposes The Creeds vs. The Dyad next week in a Losers Leave NXT match. The Creed Brothers accept the challenge.
– We get a hype video for Bronco Nima and Lucien Price. They talk about their backgrounds in football and the bond they have. They didn’t come to NXT to play games, they came to dominate. We cut to Axiom, Scrypts, Hank Walker and Tank Ledger watching the Nima and Price video backstage.
Scrypts says Nima and Price are going to do damage in NXT. Hank mentions there being new team around with Axiom and Scrypts. NXT Heritage Cup Champion Nathan Frazer walks by and Axiom wishes him good luck for tonight. Scrypts tells Axiom it looks like he is interested in the Cup. Axiom says he is drawn to it.
– Carmelo Hayes is warming up at backstage while Trick Williams hypes him up. WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley walks up and fans in the arena pop. Ripley warns Hayes and Trick, threatening them if they get involved in The Judgment Day’s business again. Ripley walks off.
– Nathan Frazer defeated Dragon Lee via pinfall and successfully retained his WWE NXT Heritage Cup. After the match, Frazer stands tall. Lee hands Frazer the Heritage Cup and they have a show of respect now.
– We get a quick promo for next week’s NXT Underground match with Eddy Thorpe vs. Damon Kemp, no longer called RAW Underground. We cut to a vignette that shows Gable Steveson training Thorpe to fight his brother. They stop and Gable says Eddy is doing great, just stick to the game plan and don’t let Kemp get in his head. They train some more and Eddy says he would be honored if Gable came out with him to the ring next week. Gable agrees and Eddy thanks him. Gable says he’s got Eddy’s back.
– We see NXT North American Champion Wes Lee talking to Myles Borne at backstage. Mustafa Ali walks in and Borne leaves. Ali apologizes for slapping Lee last week, and says he wanted a clean finish so bad that he may have gotten too involved. Lee says Ali should stick to being a wrestler. Tyler Bate walks in and expresses frustration over last week and how Ali called the match unfairly. Bate wants another shot at the title, but Ali also wants a shot. Bate offers to be the special referee. Lee walks off while Ali and Bate argue.
– Mr. Stone at backstage looking for Von Wagner. Stone finally finds him and says they were supposed to meet up. Von says Stone wouldn’t understand and mentions everything his family had to go through. Von says Stone doesn’t get it. Von says he can’t do this, then he walks off.
– Gigi Dolin defeated Kiana James via pinfall. After the match, Dolin stands tall but James attacks from behind with her loaded bag, laying Dolin out. James pulls multiple cans of paint out of her bag and pours them all over Dolin as fans boo.
– A disheveled Joe Coffey visits Tony D’Angelo in jail. Tony wants to know how Joe got on his visitation list, and Joe says he knows people too. Tony thought Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo took Joe on a long ride but Joe says a lot has changed since Tony got locked up. Tony says Gallus are rats who got him locked up, and Stacks will handle them. Tony says they must have triple teamed Stacks.
Joe says the Underboss has a mind of his own. Tony says no, Stacks is family. Joe says Stacks sold him out but Tony won’t believe it. Joe pulls out a phone and plays a recording of Stacks working out a deal with Joe to lay low for a week. Stacks is also heard saying he’s done being Underboss and a new Don is on the streets. Stacks also said he will be in touch. Joe closes the phone and taunts a shocked Tony a bit, then leaves.
– We see how Blair Davenport attacked Roxanne Perez earlier this week on the NXT Snapchat show. They will fight on next week’s show.
– We see the main event competitors walking at backstage.
– Jacy Jayne at backstage ranting about Lyra Valkyria to Tatum Paxley and others. She promises to take care of Lyra if she shows up tonight. Lyra is now behind Jayne, listening to her rant. Lyra drops Jayne and reminds her that she does not play games. Rhea Ripley walks up and taunts Jayne, and says Lyra is a bad ass.
– Ava and The Dyad are at backstage now. They want to know what was up with Joe Gacy booking them in the Losers Leave NXT match, and she tells them to calm down. Ava says they think The Dyad is a strong team. Jagger Reid has issues with others making decisions that will impact their careers, but Ava says they are fighting for their careers and Joe does have a plan. Jagger says if Joe doesn’t, he and Rip Fowler will have a plan.
– Carmelo Hayes defeated Baron Corbin via pinfall and successfully retained his WWE NXT Championship. After the match, Hayes gets to his feet as fans give him a standing ovation. Trick hits the ring to celebrate with Hayes. The announcers plug next week’s show as Hayes raises the title in the air while posing in the corner. Trick hypes the crowd up.
– The camera cuts to backstage and we hear Bron Breakker yelling inside the office of WWE Hall of Famer & Senior Vice President of Talent Development Creative Shawn Michaels. Bron is yelling about how he’s beaten everyone, and no one can control him. Bron storms out of the office and the camera man asks what’s going on. Bron tells him to shut up and everyone will find out next week. WWE NXT Gold Rush Week 2 goes off the air.