Logan Paul defeated Ricochet via pinfall at Summer Slam 2023. At the closing moments of the match, Logan Paul hit a springboard Frogsplash on Ricochet for a close 2 count. Ricochet fights back and hits a Detonation Kick. Ricochet flies off the top again but Paul kicks out.
Ricochet says it’s over but the 630 can’t get the win. They fight and Paul kicks out to cut Ricochet’s rally off. Paul goes down again and his arm is hanging out of the ring. A man, who was in Paul’s entourage, sneaks over and places brass knuckles on Paul’s fist. Paul ends up decking Ricochet for the pin to win.
After the match, Logan Paul stands tall as the music hits. Logan Paul now taunts Samantha Irvin from the apron. Paul talks some trash and poses, then makes his exit.