The social media megastar Logan Paul made his WWE in-ring debut at WrestleMania 38, where he teamed...
Logan Paul
Over the weekend, Logan Paul teased his return to WWE on social media, which later branched into...
At WrestleMania 38, YouTube Sensation Logan Paul and The Miz teamed up to face Rey Mysterio and...
At Elimination Chamber pre-show, Rey Mysterio defeated The Miz in a one-on-one match with some involvement of...
YouTube Star Logan Paul made a special appearance at WrestleMania 37 Night Two as Sami Zyan’s ‘special...
On last week’s Friday Night Smackdown, YouTube Star Logan Paul appeared as special guest for Sami Zyan’s...
The former Intercontinental Champion Sami Zyan running a campaign that there were conspiracy going over him from...