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Here the Full Results and Short Review of Tonight Monday Night Raw. 

WWE already announced the Double contract signing on Raw. Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler signing contract for WWE Title and Sasha Banks & Asuka for Raw Women’s Championship. They also announced the MVP vs Apollo Crews and Andrade & Garza vs Viking Raiders matches on Raw.

We also see the segments between the Rey Mysterio & Seth Rollins and Big Show & Randy Orton on Raw.

Opening Segment

We see the brawl between Asuka and Sasha Banks with bayley in the ring. Samoa Joe stands in the ring as mediator for the contract signing. Referees came to ring and seperated the both Superstars.

Joe welcomes us the show and started talking about the contract signing but Dolph Ziggler interrupted. Then Joe introduces the WWE Champion Drew McIntyre to the ring. 

Dolph Ziggler says he gonna destroy Drew McIntyre and his eighteen year redemption story and signs contract. Now Drew McIntyre says that he gonna slaughter the Dolph at Extreme Rules and let him to choose the stipulation.

Asuka interrupts the Drew McIntyre and started ranting in Japanese. Sasha then says he going to beat the Asuka and will become the double champ at Extreme Rules and both signed the contracts. Asuka attacks both of them, Dolph tries to Super kick the McIntyre but he dodged and try to hit Claymore but Ziggler rolls out of ring. Both Asuka and Drew McIntyre stands tall in the ring.

Big Show Segment

Big is in the ring and call the Randy Orton out. But Andrade, Zelina Vega & Garza interrupted the Big Show, Vega says Big Show’s days are numbered, and he can say hi to Edge and Christian in the retirement home.
Then Ric Flair music hits and he came out. Flair says that Randy Orton will come out whenever he feels like it. Flair then tells Vega to send her men in to have fun at Show’s expense.
Before they can get into the ring, The Viking Raiders run down and brawl with Andrade and Garza. 
Viking Raiders vs Andrade & Angel Garza
Viking Raiders got upper hand at the start of the match but later Andrade and  Graza got control.
At the end Erik tags Ivar and they hit Garza with a powerbomb and Andrade a slam at the same time. They look for The Viking Experience to Andrade but he escapes and hits a discus elbow to Erik. Garza tags in and hits The Wing Clipper to Erik for the win!
Winner: Andrade and Angel Garza
The match begins and Tozawa rolls Truth up for a two-count. Truth does some dancing and asks Akira to do the same. He does some weird hand thing and runs at Truth, who sidesteps him. Truth feigns and injury and rolls up Tozawa for the win.
Seth Rollins and Murphy make their way to the ring. Seth say that, last week, Rey and his son made a heart-warming return to RAW.

Seth asks Mysterio to forgive him, not for he has done, but what he will do in the future. You see, him and Rey are bound by fate and, as fate would have it, he is the Messiah and Rey is a sacrifice.

Mysterio and Dominic appear on the screen and Rey says he wants forgiveness from his son. Forgive him for what he will do to Seth. He was angry when Dom tried to fight his battles but he loves him for it. He must do to Seth something as remorseless as what he did to him. Eye for an eye. Dominic says he forgives him but he can’t forgive Seth.
Rollins says it’s clear Rey has taught Dom well, but he hasn’t taught him to be careful what he wishes for. If Dom continues to stand in the way of fate, he’ll be forced to end his career before it starts. Aleister Black and Humberto Carrillo come out and Seth high-tails it.
Seth Rollins and Murphy vs. Humberto Carrillo and Aleister Black
Rollins hits the Stomp to Carrillo and pinned him for the win
Winners: Seth Rollins and Murphy
Peyton Royce vs. Ruby Riott
Royce with a big kick to the head and a spinning Brainbuster for the pin to win.
Winner: Peyton Royce
2-on-1 Handicap Match: Andrade and Angel Garza vs. Big Show
There is lot of things going between Garza and Andrade in this match. Andrade tags himself and Graza wasn’t happy with it. Andrade kicks Show but Garza yells at him. Andrade shoves him and they have words. Garza walks out on the match as Vega tries to fix things.
Andrade turns around to Show grabbing him for a big chokeslam. Show covers for the pin to win.
Winner: Big Show
Apollo Crews vs. MVP
At the end Crews goes to the top but Lashley distracts from the apron, allowing MVP to drop Crews. MVP with another big boot in the corner. MVP follows up with a Fisherman’s suplex for the pin to get the non-title win.
Winner: MVP

After the match Crew attacks MVP but Bobby came in and applied Full Nelson to Apollo. Then Ricochet and Cedric came in and attacks Bobby and MVP.
Ricochet vs. Bobby Lashley
At the end Ricochet nails an enziguri and a superkick to bring Lashley down to one knee. Lashley catches a kick and drives Ricochet into the mat. Lashley stalks Ricochet and applies the Full Nelson now, manhandling him for the win as Ricochet taps.
Winner: Bobby Lashley
Drew McIntyre and Asuka vs. Dolph Ziggler and Sasha Banks

Banks yells at Drew to get out of the ring. She then puts hands on him and Ziggler gets knocked off the apron to the floor. Banks doesn’t see Asuka come in and she gets dropped with a big kick to the head for a close 2 count. Ziggler ends up sending Drew into the ring post face-first on the outside. Banks counters the Asuka Lock with a roll-up for 2. They tangle some more and Banks applies the Bank Statement in the middle of the ring. Asuka gets out and drops Banks with the arm bar. They tangle on the mat some more and Banks gets the pin for the win.
Winners: Sasha Banks and Dolph Ziggler

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