Triple H Reveals His Plans To Retire From WWE

“Right now, zero. I just feel like there’s a moment where you go, ‘I’m retired’, but you’re not. I’d rather just not say it and if the right opportunity comes up that everybody believes is right, and I believe I can do it without it falling apart, me or the match, then okay, I would consider it. I am not at a point where I would say, ‘Absolutely not, under any circumstances, but probably not that far off.’ The thing for me that’s good is I’m so transitioned over and satisfied with the other aspects of my career and my life and everything else, I get as much fun and excitement out of watching others do it and succeed at it.”
“If the opportunity does not come for me to step back in the ring, I get asked it a lot. It would not bother me. I would not be like, “Oh, man! I missed those last two years. I should have done it when I could have”