AJ Styles Pitched An Idea To Improve Raw Underground

WWE SmackDown Superstar AJ Styles recently talked about Raw Underground and he had an idea which can improve RAW Underground, according to him.
Recently on his Twitch Live Stream, AJ Styles revealed the reason behind his push in WWE by Vince McMahon and also he gave thoughts about Raw Underground and it could be more cooler.
“Here’s what I think would’ve been cool. Jean-Claude Van Damme – I think it was called Lionheart – this was probably early 90s. He was in this movie and he fought in different areas. It wasn’t just in a ring, it was in a half-empty pool. So, it was different seeing them fight in this pool. Then there was one in a parking garage where all these cars circled it. Then there was one in a tennis court. I think different locations to do those fights would be cool – a bar, in the street – that would make it different. I like the concept but these fights can’t be any more than three or four minutes long, at that.” (h/t 411mania.com)
Raw Underground includes MMA like fights in undisclosed area, which was introduced by Shane McMohan last month. we see the many enhancement talent and main roaster superstars steps in for fight. This week on Raw we also saw the Braun Strowman entered the Raw Underground and took on undefeated Dabba Kato.