Big Show Reveals His Plans After Retirement

Big Show recently had an interview with WWE India and revealed whether he had plans to face WWE Superstar Keith Lee. He also shared his thoughts on The Khali.
He said that Khali is wonderful and nicest person he met. He praised him for his good nature and also appreciate for helping next generation with his experience.
“Khali — he’s wonderful. Genuinely one of the nicest people you will ever meet. He has a huge heart and he’s very chill. He doesn’t get upset about much and just chill. He had a great sense of humor and I’m glad to see that he’s taking his experiences and is reinvesting that into the next generation. Definitely very happy for him.” (H/T: Wrestling Inc)
When one of the fan asked about his plans after in-ring retirement, then he said that he still wants to involve in the business. He wants to work at Backstage and also wants to help the young talent.
“Knowing me, if I retire from competing in a WWE ring, I’ll still be involved somehow. Either helping young Superstars behind the scenes or I’ll roll into some kind of project that stays busy. I’m a what’s today, what’s tomorrow kind of guy. I don’t look into the past — you can learn from the past and learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them. Living in past glories or past accolades limits you from creating any new memorable moments. So, it’s always onward and upwards. It will be something fast paced and something positive, for sure.” (H/T: Wrestling Inc)