Big Show Reveals Whether He Will Work With Keith Lee

Big Show recently sit down for an interview with WWE India and discussed about many topics. When they asked about he had any desire to work with Keith Lee then he said that he was always open to work with him to elevate his career.
Big Show praised him as a tremendous competitor and had lot of momentum right now.
“Keith has a ton of momentum behind him right now. He’s a tremendous competitor. I think if there was an opportunity for me to step in the ring with Keith and help him on his journey in some way, shape or form, I would love to do that. Plus, he’s got a good chest for chopping.” (H/T: Wrestling Inc)
Keith Lee is now involved in Randy Orton and Drew McIntyre feud. And on this week Raw he got an tremendous opportunity to face Drew McIntyre and if he win and Randy Orton unable to compete at WWE Clash of Champions then he will get the Title shot at Gold Rush.