Edge Revealed Cancelled Design Of Rated R Championship Belt

Edge Revealed Cancelled Design Of Rated R Championship Belt

On the latest edition of WWE Untold, They focused on the memorable rivalry between the John Cena and Edge, which is streaming on the WWE Network. 
During the special, Edge revealed that he hated the John Cena’s spinning belt design. He also said that company approached him to do Rated R Championship Belt.

“When they approached me and said, ‘We’re going to do a Rated R Championship belt’, I was like, ‘Right, let me get to work!’. I got home and drew up this beautiful championship belt. This thing was badass.”

E further continued that also had some designs but they said no and just put his logo on the belt.

“When I got back, they were like, ‘Well, no; we’re just going to put your logo in it.’ Like, that’s it? Edge wouldn’t want a spinner belt. That, to me, is the one championship that needs to look like a championship and not somebody’s hub caps.”


Right now Edge has been out of action due to torn triceps injury happened during the match against Randy Orton at WWE BackLash and expected to be out for several months.

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