Randy Orton Is The Best Heel Of All Time – Rusev

Rusev now know as Miro praised the WWE Superstar Randy Orton as best heel of all time. Recently in his YouTube channel ToBeMiro, fans asked him who was his all time favourite heel then Rusev revealed that it was Randy Orton.
He also named Nature Boy Ric Flair also in his list. He remembered that everyone is falling of Ric Flair tricks and why he looks like 50 year old.
“It’s got to be Randy Orton. Randy and Nature Boy [Ric Flair] – he always got me. I never understood why he always looked like a 50-year-old and why when he’s backing off everybody is falling for his tricks. I vividly remember being a kid and thinking “come on man! just get up and fight, Hogan”
He also stated that Randy Orton is not only best heel but also best workers of all time. And he don’t want to see him as babyface.
“Randy [Orton] is the best. Randy Orton is clearly the best heel and one of the best workers of all time” “Oh absolutely. Randy should never be a babyface”
Randy Orton and Rusev had rivalry three years back. The entire ‘Rusev Day’ concept was started as celebrations after his victory over Randy Orton.