Candice LeRae Comments About Possible Main Roster Call Up

I feel like there’s a lot of things that happen around me that I almost make myself ignorant to just because I never want to get my hopes up, I never want to assume something. Even going into the Battle Royal, I didn’t want to assume that I can be the person to win this because you just don’t know. I can honestly tell you that the Royal Rumbles that I’ve done and the WrestleMania that I was a part of, it wasn’t real until I was in it. I’m so thankful that there were people that reminded me that was a thing that was happening and to tell me to take a second to take it all in because it happens so fast. It’s like a wedding day. It goes by, happens, and then you’re like, ‘Oh wait, that really did happen?’ If something is in the works, then I’m not aware of it, but nothing’s real until it is.
I’m very biased, but I love NXT. I really love the environment, and for me, so much of it is feeling a certain way when you’re wrestling as a fan and there’s something about NXT for me that feels like home and I feel like I belong in NXT. It makes me so happy and I always feel like the talent there push me to be my best because no matter how long I’ve been doing this, I’m always trying to get better.