Eric Bischoff Shoots On RETRIBUTION’s Member T-BAR After His Comments

WWE former General Manager Eric Bischoff recently revealed that he wasn’t a big fan of RETRIBUTION storyline in WWE. Then T-BAR one of the member of RETRIBUTION replied to his comments and made a tweet about Eric Bischoff as inspiration.
Then Eric Bischoff on his recent episode of 83 Weeks, hits back at RETRIBUTION member T-BAR. He said that T-BAR new to business and not accomplished anything yet.
“I look at social media and someone named T-BAR sent me something. What is a T-BAR? Who gives a f**k. What’s he been in the business a minute and a half? Is his coffee still hot? C’mon, give me a break. If we’re gonna talk about it T-BAR, I feel for you. You’re new to the business, you’re greener than goose sh*t, you’ve really not accomplished anything yet. I know you will, I believe you have potential. And I’m not blaming you for the RETRIBUTION storyline. I’m not blaming the writing team. I’m certainly not blaming one of my best friends Bruce Prichard. But it’s a f’ked up story. It just is. Could you possibly screw up an invasion storyline anymore in such a short period of time? You can’t blame the talent. They’re doing the best they can and this is a great opportunity for you T-Bone or T-BAR or T-Rex, whoever you are. I get it. It’s not your fault. I’m not criticizing you. It is what it is.” (h/t
RETRIBUTION is recently revealed themselves on the WWE and started their feud with Hurt Business last week on Raw.