Roman Reigns Opens Up What He Learned From The Rock

Just be kind to others. No matter where you find yourself, try to give back as much as possible and help those when you can. Obviously, when you’re in that type of situation, there’s gonna be a lot of people and a lot of hands out there that wanna be filled. But when you can, be as genuine as possible, and help out as many people as you can. That word “genuine” really rings true with him, especially seeing him at work. He’s the No. 1 guy and the biggest draw in all of Hollywood and entertainment. They shoot him first and he’s still hanging out when they flip the whole scene so the other actor can read to him and have that line of sight. He’s obviously busy – I know on Hobbs and Shaw he was still working heavily on his tequila and trying to get that figured out and probably had like three more projects in line……but he’s still very hands-on with the creative process. When you’re at that level and you’re the busiest dude in the world and you still have time to say hi to the lighting guy or the crew guy over here….it’s really cool. He’s very smart about how to structure his day, and he still works extremely hard. He treats everybody as if he was on the comedown. (H/T: 411Mania)