Braun Strowman Names The Superstar He Wants As Final Member Of Raw Team

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This week on Monday Night Raw, Braun Strowman battled with Keith Lee and Sheamus in Survivor Series Qualifier Match. Keith Lee and Sheamus are already qualified for the Raw Team along with AJ Styles. 
Braun Strowman successfully defeated Keith Lee and Sheamus to earn his spot on Raw Team at Survivor Series for traditional 5-on-5 elimination match. After the show, Braun Strowman appeared as guest on Raw Talk and revealed that he wants former WWE Champion Drew McIntyre as fifth and final member of the team.
The Monster Braun Strowman said that looking at the locker he could see the fire in Drew McIntyre. Despite of their past history between them, he had same mentality as him and he will do anything to win the match, so, he loves Drew McIntyre to step up as final member of Raw Team, he said.
You know, honestly, walking around the locker room before I came out to do this, I could see that Drew McIntyre has a fire lit inside of him right now. And you know, there’s some history between Drew and I, I’ve eaten more Brogue Kicks that I care to admit, but at the same time I know that when he goes out there he’s got the same mindset, the same mentality as I do – he wants to win and will do anything in his power to do it. So I’d love Drew McIntyre to step up and take that fifth and final spot on Team RAW. (H/T: Sportskeeda Wrestling)

Braun Strowman has an great run this year, he had won Intercontinental Title in January and later he have won the Universal Title at WrestleMania 36 by defeating GoldBerg. And at Summer Slam he lost his Universal Title to The Fiend Bray Wyatt and now, The Monster Among Men drafted to Monday Night Raw.

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