T-BAR Offers Randy Orton To Join RETRIBUTION

After the fireball attack on Randy Orton by Alexa Bliss, Orton appeared on this week’s Raw with a mask and black hoodie to cover his burned face. He cuts a intense promo about The Fiend and states that nobody can stop him to getting into Royal Rumble Match.
After that segment, the masked faction RETRIBUTION had an offer for him. The RETRIBUTION member T-BAR took the twitter and responded to the Orton’s photo of mask stating that ‘the spot for him is still open’. Check the tweet below:

Spot is still open @RandyOrton. #RETRIBUTION https://t.co/38Zyg2R3Ec

— T-BAR (@TBARRetribution) January 20, 2021

RETRIBUTION also previously tried to recruit other superstars like Ricochet but he didn’t join them. Lets see, in future, if they cross the paths how The Viper Randy Orton will react on RETRIBUTION.

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