The former WWE Superstar Big Cass recently returned to wrestling at Lariato Pro Wrestling event. It was big surprise for fans and he also looked in great shape than earlier.

After a long journey filled with an enormous amount of self-reflection, I now start my journey towards redemption. Thank you @The_BigLG for the opportunity, and thank you to everyone for continuing to believe in me 🙏🏼 #StraightOuttaStep12

— ZXL (@TheCaZXL) February 28, 2021

Big Cass recently had an interview with WrestleTalk and discussed about his experience in rehab. He said that during that time he thought that wrestling is nit for him anymore but later he realised that he really love wrestling. Here what Big Cass said:
“I wasn’t sure about wrestling. I kinda thought maybe that wasn’t for me anymore. About four months ago, I woke up with a clear head and was like, I really love wrestling, it is like my first love and my passion. I was like, ‘I gotta go back’. I could have let my addiction stop me from doing what I really want to do, I could’ve taken the easy road and done something a lot easier and less fulfilling, but instead I decided I was gonna come back to wrestling. Right then and there I started taking my gym sessions very, very seriously and yeah the end product ended up looking good.”

Big Cass also said that he was in and out of rehab for few times but last January changed everything. When he finally embraced the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, he started going good mentally.

“I had been in and out of rehab a few times and it just wasn’t clicking, and then I went back to rehab last January and everything started clicking at that point. I embraced the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous which I beforehand thought was silly, and I really, really started focusing on my recovery and myself, and magically when you do that you just start to get happier. It’s as if it’s this thing that millions of people had done successfully all over the world, but for me, I was like, ‘No that’s not for me’, but when I finally embraced the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, everything started going good mentally, I was a happy person for the first time in a really long time.”

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