The Intercontinental Champion Big E recently had an interview with The Root and discussed about the heated twitter exchange between the Randy Orton and Soulja Boy.

Big E said that it’s an perfect opportunity for WWE to build up match between Randy Orton and Soulja Boy for WrestleMania 37. WWE can setup the interaction between the Orton and Soulja Boy at WWE Fastlane and can proceed to further for their potential match at Grandest Stage them all.

“Let’s not shotgun this for Fastlane! We have WrestleMania 37 coming up, in my backyard, in Tampa. Two days, April 10 and 11, let’s build it! We got time to build it, maybe their first interaction can be at Fastlane and then at WrestleMania we payoff the program. This whole burgeoning, like, Bow Wow was beefing with some of my co-workers? We got Bad Bunny, who’s been killing it! He’s been training at the Performance Center, he’s really taken to this. I did not expect this to be a thing, if you asked me about these two months ago, I would not have expected to see all these rapper/WWE Superstar beefs. But here we are, and I’m entertained by it.”

U spittin facts? Seems like all you spittin is the same mess you rap about. Nut. Clear your throat my dawg, and be there. Enough talk. Back it up.

— Randy Orton (@RandyOrton) March 2, 2021

The match between Soulja Boy and Randy Orton seems unlikely as The Viper is already involved in feud with The Fiend Bray Wyatt and WWE is planning a gimmick match between them at Show od shows.

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