The current Raw Superstar Jeff Hardy recently appeared as special guest on ESPN West Plam. During the interview he discussed about the Tony Khan’s promotion All Elite Wrestling and compared it with the WWE.
The Charismatic Enigma Jeff Hardy said that AEW is very different from WWE and they are very open minded. Here what Jeff Hardy said about AEW:
“It’s really cool. Matt is in AEW and before the pandemic hit, their crowds were incredible and on fire. It’s so exciting watching, they are very different than WWE. I don’t know how to explain it, but they are more open minded, WWE is kind of set in their ways. This has changed many times over the years, especially since the Attitude era.” (H/T: WrestleZone)
“It’s way different. Thank God, we don’t hit each other in the head with chairs anymore, I worry about that, and try not to future trip too much. It’s a lot safer now but you can still get hurt at any point.”
#Wrestling Legend/Musician Jeff Hardy (@JEFFHARDYBRAND) joined Brian Rowitz (@BRowitz) on @ESPNWestPalm before his upcoming performance at @respectableswpb!
LISTEN:— ESPN WEST PALM (106.3 FM) (@ESPNWestPalm) March 12, 2021
During the same interview, Jeff Hardy discussed about the comparisons between himself and Darby Allin. He said that he was so honored that Darby Allin compared with him. He never met him debut he was very impressed by wrestling skills. Here what Jeff Hardy said about TNT Champion Darby Allin:
“I’m so honored for people to say that, especially a guy like Darby Allin. I’ve never met him but when I watch him on AEW, I’m like “wow he’s really like me” and he’s actually like a real-life stunt man. I’ve always said jokingly, I don’t even think I know how to wrestle.” (H/T: WrestleZone)
“I think I’m just a stunt man when it comes to this stuff. I’m more about the moments and the highlights and the storytelling. Those big extreme moments, my career has been based around that.”
He fought hard to keep his belt. TNT Champion @DarbyAllin is our #WrestlerOfTheWeek 💪
— All Elite Wrestling on TNT (@AEWonTNT) March 12, 2021