WWE Hall of Famer Rikishi recently appeared as special guest on Insight with Chris Van Vliet and discussed about several topics. He also revealed that he don’t want to his sons to follow his way.

“Their upbringing and my upbringing is totally different. You know, the boys, they got the chance to go to college, they lived the good life. Their father, I got out there and did what I had to do, so my kids wouldn’t come up the way I came up.”

Rikishi also said that he wanted them to do something different than wrestling but later, they approached him and explained that they wanted to join teh family business.

“Jimmy and Jey, they’ve been around the business all their life… I just wanted them to do something different… I just wanted to get an RV and travel to all their games. So, one day, I came home, they sat me down and they threw that curveball to me and said they didn’t want to play football anymore. They wanted to join the family business. It was difficult for me because I knew if I went against it, then it wasn’t going to work out. As a father, you always try to support. It might not be my decision, but you always try to support your kids’ decision, to be able to give them that.”

When Usos expressed their desire to join Wrestling, then, Rikishi explained negative side of wrestling by taking example of himself. Now, he’s very proud of them.

“Knowing that, “OK, you’re gonna do what I do. But I’m gonna tell you, this is not easy, man. You’d better get ready for all the stuff you see me, when I drop my bags at the door and can barely walk to the bedroom. You’re going to understand why there’s some nights when I come home, I don’t feel like talking.

“I just want to get to my bed or my recliner, and just put my stuff down and just get some rest. You might feel like I’m not paying attention to you, but the life that you live on the road, when you come home, it’s your peace of mind. It’s your getaway from all the chaos, all the bulls***.”… But they’ve been in the industry for twelve years and I’m very proud of both of them.”

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