WWE Former Composer Jim Johnston recently had an interview with Lucha Libre Online’s Michael Morales Torres and revealed that Randy Orton hates his theme song. He said that he never spoke to Randy Orton directly but apparently he hated his theme. 

“I never spoke to him directly, but apparently, Randy Orton said he hated his theme. I don’t know if he still does and I don’t even know why, but apparently, that was true. I never spoke with him about it.”

Jim Johnston said that Randy Orton is not only one superstar who didn’t like his theme, he also revealed that Yokozuna also one who came to him to change the theme music.
Johnston said that he didn’t deal directly with wrestlers but former WWE Champion Yokozuna directly approached him to change his sumo wrestling music to entire different genre.

“I didn’t deal directly with the wrestlers… I remember Yoko (Yokozuna), he called me, managed to get me on the phone, and said he wanted to change his music from the Japanese sumo wrestler stuff. Now I’m trapped on the phone with the guy. So I said “Well, what are you thinking?” He said “Well, I’d like some hip hop.” I said “Yoko, you’re a sumo wrestler! You’re not a hip hop guy.” But from his perspective, and I don’t mean to be mean here, he was like “But I live in LA?” So it made perfect sense to him… So in general I didn’t get involved with the talent.”

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