Tonight’s WWE Friday Night SmackDown is live from the Ford Center in Evansville, Indiana. WWE announced that Universal Champion Roman Reigns will return tonight and also Naomi will battle Shayna Baszler once again in singles match.

Here The WWE Friday Night SmackDown Full Matches And Results With Short Review:

– Tonight’s WWE Friday Night SmackDown opened with Universal Champion Roman Reigns and SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos making their way to the ring along with Paul Heyman. Reigns says he wasn’t here last week because when you smash someone like Brock Lesnar, you gotta celebrate so he took a vacation. Reigns says he heard everyone grumbling but don’t worry, he’s here now. Reigns tells this “tiny little town” to acknowledge him.

The reason. The One. The Universal Champion.

Acknowledge him.#SmackDown @WWERomanReigns @HeymanHustle

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

Reigns recalls how he and his wife had a great week, running around naked on a private island, but not everyone had a great week, and in fact it was a bad week for a lot of us. Reigns says that dumbass Brock Lesnar had a bad week because he got himself fined $1 million and suspended indefinitely.

“I got the stroke. I got the juice around here. I make it happen.”

No lies detected. #HeadOfTheTable #SmackDown @WWERomanReigns @HeymanHustle

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

Reigns further says he’s responsible for that because he’s got the juice and the stroke around here, he makes it happen. Now, Reigns asks Heyman what else happened last week. Heyman goes about Kayla Braxton harassing him but that’s not what Reigns is asking about. Heyman brings up how The Usos lost a non-title match against The New Day. Reigns asks if the fans like The New Day. He gives them some props but says they’re not better than The Bloodline. Reigns is having a hard time understanding how his cousins got beat by The New Day.

👉 👈

“Which one of you got pinned in that match?” 👀#SmackDown #NewDay @WWERomanReigns @WWEUsos @HeymanHustle

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

Reigns asks which one of The Usos got pinned in the match. Reigns puts his arm around Jimmy Uso and now WWE Universe starts chanting for The New Day. Reigns says that is because of Jimmy and tells Jimmy to explain how he’s going to fix this problem. Jimmy says he’s got Reigns, like he said last week, he’s going to kick Woods’ crown off and make him acknowledge who the Tribal Chief is, who the real king is, who the Universal Champion is. But music hits and here comes King Woods and Sir Kingston.
The New Day on the stage and taunts The Bloodline. Woods proposes that if Jimmy can beat him tonight, Woods will acknowledge The Tribal Chief, but if Woods wins, Jimmy will be forced to bend the knee to him. Jimmy says no one is taking orders from those chumps, or bending knees. Jey Uso speaks up and says The Bloodline bends a knee to nobody. But Reigns opened his hands and Heyman yells at Jey to give mic to Tribal Chief. Reigns speaks up and accepts the challenge for The Bloodline. Kofi declares Jimmy vs. King Woods for tonight.

🗣 BEND THE KNEE! 🗣 BEND THE KNEE! 🗣 BEND THE KNEE!#SmackDown @AustinCreedWins @TrueKofi

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

– Kayla Braxton at backstage with Sonya Deville and asks about a personal vendetta against Naomi. Deville dismisses the idea and asks if Kayla has ever seen Naomi with this much passion or fire? Deville says Naomi is full of confidence right now because she lit a fire under her, so let’s see what she can do with it. Deville further says if Naomi can win, maybe she will challenge her to a singles match one day.

@NaomiWWE is glowing with confidence right now because I lit a fire underneath of her.” – @SonyaDevilleWWE #SmackDown

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

– Naomi defeated Shayna Baszler via pinfall in singles match. After the match, Naomi starts celebrating in the ring but Deville interrupts and says no one is leaving the ring until she makes her remarks. Deville says Naomi grabbed the ropes right before the pin, which means it should’ve been released, which means the pin didn’t count at all. Deville knows Naomi is upset, but she has no choice but to restart the match. Naomi seethes as the bell rings.

.@NaomiWWE takes down @QoSBaszler!#SmackDown

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

A win’s a win for @NaomiWWE … until it wasn’t.@SonyaDevilleWWE just made sure @QoSBaszler got the better of Naomi once again on #SmackDown!

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

– Shayna Baszler defeated Naomi via submission. After the match, Deville looks on from the apron and taunts Naomi while Baszler celebrates.
– The Bloodline at backstage in Roman Reigns’ locker room suite. Reigns yells about how he takes one vacation and now SmackDown sucks, it’s almost as bad as Raw. The Usos laugh and Reigns says this is no joke. Jimmy seemingly apologizes but Reigns is upset as he gets in Jimmy’s face. Reigns asks Jimmy Uso what they don’t do, then he says we won’t lose because they are the ones. Jey hypes them up with some words of encouragement, then leaves with Jimmy and Reigns looks on.
– Kayla Braxton at backstage with SmackDown newcomer Ridge Holland and asks what he is most looking forward to on SmackDown. Holland can’t wait to meet his idol, The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus. He says Sheamus is tough and rugged, and handles his business like he does, and would fit in perfectly back home. 
Holland goes on about how everyone at his local pub used to watch Sheamus when he had a big match, including his WWE Title win over John Cena, the Royal Rumble win, and so on. Holland says Sheamus is an inspiration for him and that’s awful news for the rest of SmackDown. Holland taps his baton a few times and walks off.

“I learned a trick or two from watching @WWESheamus, and that is really AWFUL news for the rest of #SmackDown.” – @RidgeWWE

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

– Kayla Braxton at backstage with Shotzi and asks about what happened last week. Shotzi says she’s had enough, she has finally had enough. She’s lost title opportunities and her tag team partner since coming to SmackDown, and she’s lost the support of the WWE Universe, and thanks to Banks last week she lost the biggest match of her entire career. Shotzi will not smile and pretend everything is OK any longer. She says Banks’ patronizing attitude was her breaking point and now Banks is her target. Shotzi says she will run over Banks and anyone else who gets in her way, and she doesn’t need a tank to do it and walks off.

.@ShotziWWE has lost a lot, but she’s found one thing: her target @SashaBanksWWE. #Smackdown

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

– Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo defeated Cesaro and Mansoor via pinfall.
– Jeff Hardy at backstage talking to Aliyah and Kayla Braxton interrupts for an interview. Hardy introduces Kayla too Aliyah. Aliyah walks off to let them do the interview but Jeff apologizes and stops Kayla so he can follows Aliyah as he sees her stop and talk to Sami Zayn. Sami tells Aliyah it’s all about appearances here, and that she should show people she means business by wearing a pantsuit and walks off. Aliyah asks Hardy if Sami is always like that, and Hardy says yes. Hardy welcomes Aliyah to SmackDown.

"Two words. Pant suit."

Should #SmackDown newcomer @WWE_Aliyah be taking fashion advice from @SamiZayn? @JEFFHARDYBRAND

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

– Drew McIntyre makes his way to the for the open challenge. He asks who is going to answer his Open Challenge, who is going to come out and fight him tonight. The music hits and here comes Ricochet. Ricochet says he’s known Drew for a long time, he is the biggest and baddest guy he knows, but Drew is playing with fire because if he keeps acting the way he’s been acting each week, someone is going to come out, step into this ring, and someone won’t care about all the flexing and catchphrases Drew has, and nothing will stop them from smacking Drew in the mouth. Ricochet approaches and smacks Drew in the mouth.
– Drew McIntyre defeated Ricochet via pinfall. After the match, Drew stood tall while referee checks on Ricochet. Drew taunts Ricochet and walks off. Drew stops and looks back at the ring, saying “not bad, not bad” to Ricochet.
– Mustafa Ali at backstage with Ricochet. Ali suggests they team up next week because they compliment each other. Ricochet says no, then, Ali asks why? Ricochet says because Ali isn’t a winner, he’s a whiner who makes excuses and always points fingers, and never looks in the mirror. He also treated his last partner Mansoor like dirt. Ricochet says Ali is just a jerk and walks off as Ali stares him down.
– Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss make their way to the ring for the another must see episode of Happy Talk. Corbin and Moss are sitting in their chairs, laughing and joking around. They take shots at Rick Boogs and WWE Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura over last week’s win. Corbin says it’s not their fault but there’s just no competition for he and Moss here on SmackDown. 
For example, take their guests tonight. Corbin introduces The Viking Raiders and here comes Erik and Ivar. Moss tells Corbin that Erik and Ivar don’t look happy at all. Corbin says they should understand the concept of the show before coming on. Erik says they’re not here to be happy or be their guests, in fact, Corbin and Moss make them miserable. 
Ivar says they’re here to raid Happy Talk because it’s corny and it sucks. Corbin says The Vikings sure are sour for two guys still wearing their Halloween costumes. Corbin has just the thing to cheer them up – a joke from Moss. He tells another bad joke that cracks he and Corbin up. Erik and Ivar begin destroying the set as Corbin and Moss retreat to the floor.
– The Viking Raiders defeated Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss via count out.

Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss have apparently had their fill of the #VikingRaiders for tonight.#SmackDown @BaronCorbinWWE @riddickMoss @Erik_WWE @Ivar_WWE

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

– Sami Zayn approaches Hit Row’s Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, “Top Dolla” AJ Francis and Ashante “Thee” Adonis at backstage. He welcomes them to SmackDown and says as a locker room leader, sometimes he has to tell people what they need to hear and their entrance a few weeks ago was flat. It actually sucked. 
Sami says they could be big players here on SmackDown, especially Top Dolla, who could be a pillar on the brand, but they need some work, some finessing. Dolla asks Sami if he can show them what he means with the proper entrance. Sami says he can, and then he heads off, telling them to get ready, take notes and follow him. Hit Row laughs as Sami rushes off.

🎶 HIT ROOOOOOOOOOOOOW 🎶@AJFrancis410@swerveconfident@TheeAdonisWWE#SmackDown

— WWE on BT Sport (@btsportwwe) November 6, 2021

 – The Music hits and here comes Sami Zayn. He kicks and marches around, apparently showing Hit Row how to do a proper entrance. Sami takes the mic and says that is how you do it, kids, that is called being fearless, having presence, being in the present, which you need to be in the SmackDown locker room. 
Sami says Hit Row can have those same qualities with his leadership. Sami goes on and calls on the fans to give a big SmackDown welcome to Hit Row. The music hits and out comes Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, “Top Dolla” AJ Francis and Ashante “Thee” Adonis. They say Sami thinks he runs Hit Row but they wouldn’t let him run their bath water. 

The moves!!!@SamiZayn 🥵#SmackDown

— WWE on BT Sport (@btsportwwe) November 6, 2021

Dolla says Sami sucks and WWE Universe starts a “Sami sucks!” chant. Sami says that’s fine if they don’t want his help. He goes to leave but they have the entrance-way blocked. Sami says he didn’t come to fight. They finally let him pass and Sami says he won’t forget his. Hit Row laughs at Sami and says if you didn’t know, now you know. Hit Row celebrates and walks to backstage.
– The Bloodline at backstage before the main event. The Usos head out and Jimmy Uso asks Roman Reigns if he’s coming out to the ring with them. Reigns asks Jimmy how many of his problems does he have to fix around here. Jimmy looks at him and walks off. Reigns stays seated with Paul Heyman behind him.

"How many of YOUR problems do I need to fix around here?" – @WWERomanReigns #SmackDown @WWEUsos @HeymanHustle

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

– King Woods defeated Jimmy Uso via pinfall. After the match, The New Day celebrates and The Usos are not happy as they have words with the referee but he stops them from leaving. Mike Rome announces that Jimmy must now bend the knee and pay homage to King Woods. Woods puts on his crown and brings his scepter in the ring as “bend the knee!” chants start up from crowd.

JIMMY USO HAS TO BEND THE KNEE! 😮#SmackDown @WWEUsos @AustinCreedWins

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

Jimmy says no way but the referee tells him he must follow the stipulation. Jimmy slowly bends his knee as Woods points the scepter at him. Suddenly, WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns attacks Woods with a big Superman Punch. The Bloodline unloads on The New Day. They’re taking on Kofi but Woods comes from behind on Reigns. They fight and The Usos drop Woods with a double superkick. Some WWE fans starts “we want Lesnar!” chant now.
Reigns hits Kofi with a huge Spear. The Bloodline stands tall and The Usos double team Kofi to take out his leg. Jey holds Kofi down in a single Crab while Jimmy goes to the top for a splash down on the knee, while Reigns holds Woods down and makes him watch. Reigns grabs his title belt and kneels down to talk more trash to Woods, threatening him if he decides to show up next week. Reigns raises the WWE Universal Title belt high and SmackDown goes off the air.

"If you show up next week, I'll show you what a King looks like."#SmackDown @WWERomanReigns @WWEUsos @AustinCreedWins @TrueKofi

— WWE (@WWE) November 6, 2021

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