Tonight’s WWE Friday Night SmackDown is live from the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida. WWE announced SmackDown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan vs. Natalya, Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Jimmy Uso vs. Angelo Dawkins and Mr. Money In The Bank Theory vs. Madcap Moss.

Here The WWE Friday Night SmackDown Full Results:

– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown opened with Michael Cole welcoming us and he’s  in the ring with a mic. Cole mentions how his broadcast partner recently signed a multi-year deal with WWE as fans start cheering again. Now, Cole introduces Pat McAfee to a big pop. McAfee takes the mic and says it’s great to be inside of Orlando. McAfee wants to apologize… fans chant “Pat!” and he runs to the corner to pose for them.
Pat McAfee apologizes to the entire WWE Universe because last week’s absence forced the WWE Universe to have to listen to Corey Graves for two hours, and that “bum ass Corbin!” for 17 minutes. McAfee says let’s see why he missed SmackDown last week. Instead of the charity golf event he was at, we see how Corbin attacked McAfee after WWE Money In the Bank. 
We also see how Corbin mocked McAfee on commentary last week while McAfee was away, and how he and Graves danced on top of the announce table like McAfee. McAfee says the best thing Corbin’s ever done in WWE is to celebrate Shinsuke Nakamura the way Nakamura deserves it last week. McAfee says it turns out his neck was not fractured, just bruised, so he’s back out here, on a new WWE contract. 
McAfee goes on about how he knew Corbin before us when they were roommates while both on the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts several years ago. McAfee says Corbin had bad hair, a bad body, one tattoo, but he was humble and hard-working, willing to grind and do whatever but as soon as his dumbass stepped in WWE, he became an insufferable douchebag who will do anything for a dollar. 
McAfee says this isn’t TV-14 yet but “Douchebag Corbin” is an accurate description for “Bumass Corbin” and at SummerSlam he can’t wait to smack Corbin in the mouth, beat the hell out of him, humble him back to being a good member of our society. McAfee goes on about how he’s been clanging and banging, watching film and training in preparation of beating Corbin’s bad tattoos off.
Corbin appears on the big screen as fans boo. Corbin is glad McAfee’s back but it’s a shame he’s too stupid to stay in his own lane. Corbin says McAfee needs to go back to the announce desk where he belongs. Corbin brags about the Money In the Bank attack and knocks McAfee some more. Corbin says he would come out and take care of McAfee now but he’s came down with something, something from sitting in McAfee’s chair or being too close to the fans. Corbin shows us some rash-looking spots on his forearm. Corbin says he’s got monkey-pox or something and lucky for McAfee, he’s going to stay far away, for now. 
Corbin says he will see McAfee at SummerSlam. McAfee says that’s not monkey-pox, Corbin is just allergic to being great, allergic to being in front of the electrifying WWE Universe. McAfee says since that coward Corbin faked monkey-pox, it’s time to move this show along and what better person to introduce than the woman who went to Las Vegas and changed the entire trajectory of her career. The music hits and here comes SmackDown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan.
– Liv Morgan defeated Natalya via pinfall in Championship contender match. After the match, Liv stood tall and announcers hype Ronda Rousey vs. Morgan at WWE SummerSlam. Kayla Braxton interviews Liv in the ring and congratulates her. Kayla says tonight’s win by Liv wasn’t as dominant as Rousey’s win over Natalya last week. Liv talks about walking into SummerSlam as the underdog but says she’s been the underdog her entire life, so call her what you want but at SummerSlam, you can still call her the SmackDown Women’s Champion. Liv raises the title and  poses.
– Megan Morant at backstage with Theory now. He’s holding his Money In the Bank briefcase, and reminds Morant how he is the youngest Mr. MITB and was the youngest WWE United States Champion. Theory says it’s hard to be him but he’s giving his all to make it happen as with great power comes great responsibility. Theory says he has enemies on Raw and SmackDown, United States Champion Bobby Lashley waiting for him at SummerSlam, Dolph Ziggler lurking and then tonight… Paul Heyman interrupts.
Paul Heyman tells Morant she’s doing a better job than Braxton. He asks for a moment with Theory. Heyman offers his hand to Theory and they shake. Heyman says they know deep down that Theory knows that Heyman is responsible for Theory’s biggest break in his career. Heyman says this whole “theory” of cashing in his Money In the Bank contract against Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns at SummerSlam makes no business sense at all. 
Heyman asks where is the box office, the 15%? Heyman goes on and says Theory wants to work with him so he can work with The Tribal Chief and they can set up a scheduled title match on a major event. Heyman tells Theory to imagine Theory vs. Reigns, for the title, think of the prestige, the spotlight, think of the money involved. Heyman says Theory should not cash in and then let him handle everything. 
Theory thanks Heyman for the advice, and says he will cash in on Reigns or Brock Lesnar, then become the brand new, youngest Undisputed Universal Champion, and then maybe when he’s champion he will need some advice from Heyman, maybe his own special counsel like Heyman. Theory smirks at Heyman and taunts him while walking away.
– The Viking Raiders’ music hits but instead of Erik and Ivar,  Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods of The New Day came out. They are dressed like The Viking Raiders, mocking them on the way to the ring. Woods introduces himself as Erik The Gross, while Kofi is Ivar The Ugly. They say they are just kidding, then introduce themselves as ya boys, The New Day. Woods and Kingston go on with their promos mocking Erik and Ivar. The horns finally sound again and this time we’re getting the real Viking Raiders.
Erik and Ivar appear on the stage. Woods calls them out as impostors. Erik says yes, they are new and vicious… Ivar says once they get to the ring the only words left to describe The New Day will be mangled… and broken, adds Erik. Woods says to be rude, are those the only two words you guys know? Woods offers to teach them more words. Kofi suggests disgusting, detestable, deplorable. Woods suggests “u-g-l-y, you ain’t got no alibi – you ugly!” The crowd repeats this. Erik and Ivar have heard enough. They march to the ring with their shields as Kingston and Woods stand with their smaller shields, and Woods sounds his own horn.
Jinder Mahal and Shanky suddenly attack The Viking Raiders at ringside. Woods and Kofi leap out of the ring and dive onto Erik and Ivar. The Vikings retreat back to the stage as Jinder and Shanky join The New Day in the ring. The New Day’s music hits as Shanky starts dancing with Woods and Kingston. Jinder hesitates but looks like he’s going to start dancing also. Erik and Ivar seethe from the entrance-way.
– Kayla at backstage with Ludwig Kaiser and WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther. Kayla asks why Gunther attacked Kaiser. Gunther says because there is no room for failure, we will never lose. Gunther is in Kaiser’s face now while Kaiser looks down and Gunther adds that losing is unacceptable, losing has consequences. Kayla says Kaiser vs. Nakamura in a rematch will take place next week. 
Kaiser looks at Gunther and Gunther nods to confirm this. Kaiser says he’s sorry and then speaks in his native tongue. Gunther interrupts and yells back at him. Gunther orders Kaiser to unzip his jacket. Kaiser is moving slow so Gunther opens it for him, then knocks him down with a stiff chop to the chest. Gunther yells at Kaiser some more in his native tongue as a terrified Kayla looks on.
– Aliyah makes her way to the ring. Now, music hits and here comes Lacey Evans to mostly boos. Evans stops on the entrance-way and calls for her music to be re-started. She then resumes walking to the ring but she’s not in a good mood. Evans enters the ring and Aliyah approaches but the referee backs her off. Evans takes the mic and says she may not be better than anyone in this arena, but the people here damn sure ain’t better than her.
Evans says like she explained last week, she served her country and put her life on the line for all of the fans. Fans chant “you suck!” now. Evans says she overcame obstacles that would completely crush the average American, and she admitted she is slightly disgusted at the lack of appreciation the fans give her. Evans says all of that we just heard and saw is 100% true, in fact, she can add quite a few accolades to it because she’s an American hero, the prime example of everything you nasties should be and everything you can’t be and you hate it.
Fans gave Evans the “What?!” treatment now. She knows she offended a few fans and the vocal minority feels like the truth she says is a little too hard to handle, so she’s going to take a minute and honestly, from the bottom of her heart, she wants to apologize to anyone she’s offended. Fans respond with “What?!”. Evans says if they’re not going to accept her apology, then just like she said last week – go to hell. Evans drops the mic and exits the ring and begins walking up the ramp as Aliyah looks on from the ring.
– Drew McIntyre defeated Ridge Holland via pinfall.
– Megan Morant at backstage with Madcap Moss now. Moss is talking about what he wants to do to Theory tonight. Paul Heyman interrupts and says Morant is still better than Kayla Braxton. He asks Morant for a moment with Moss. Heyman thanks her and she leaves. Heyman shakes Moss’ hand and says they both know that Heyman knows Moss knows how Heyman is responsible for the biggest break-through in his career, and Moss knows that Heyman knows Moss knows that Theory cashing in Money In the Bank against Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns at SummerSlam does not make good business sense. 
Heyman says Moss gave Happy Baron Corbin a beating so severe that it took him out for a few weeks and if he did the same thing to Theory, then it would give Heyman some ammo to go to The Tribal Chief with… Heyman tells Moss to imagine it now, Moss vs. Reigns in the main event of a huge show. Think of the spotlight, think of the money, think of the prestige, think of what it will do to your career, to main event with Reigns. Moss nods his head. Heyman offers a shake but Moss says that sounds, to him, like Heyman is really worried about Theory cashing in at SummerSlam. Moss walks off, leaving Heyman’s hand hanging.
– Madcap Moss defeated Theory via disqualification. After the bell, Theory keeps the attackinh Moss. Theory takes the mic on the stage and says no one cares about Moss win. Theory raises the briefcase and says he’s still Mr. Money In the Bank, and soon to be the new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion.
Sami Zayn interrupts on the stage now, with his arm in a sling. Sami asks if he heard Theory right. Sami says when Theory says what he just did, that’s disrespecting The Tribal Chief, and when you disrespect The Bloodline, there are consequences. Sami says as a representative of The Bloodline and an Honorary Uce, he is strongly recommending that Theory apologize right now. 
Theory talks some trash and asks what Sami can possibly do. The music interrupts and here come Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos. Sami looks a lot more confident now as Theory backs away from the ringside area. Moss is on his feet now. Theory turns around to Moss, and Moss scoops him, then sends him face-first into the ring post. Moss sends Theory retreating over the barrier as The Usos taunt him from the ring.
– Angelo Dawkins defeated Jimmy Uso via pinfall. After the match, Cole and McAfee immediately shout about Uso’s shoulder being up during the pin. The Profits begin celebrating in the ring. The replays show how Uso had his arm up. The Usos are arguing with Robinson now while The Profits stand across from them. Adam Pearce comes out to the stage with a mic.
Pearce says he understands why both teams have been upset as of late, and he knows how, as an athlete, there’s nothing worse than losing to a bad call. Pearce says this is exactly why we need a special guest referee at WWE SummerSlam. Pearce says he has officially found the perfect man for the job. 
Adam Pearce shows us a video package on WWE Hall of Famer and Senior Vice President of Live Events Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett is the special referee for the title match between The Usos and The Profits at SummerSlam. The Usos and The Profits start brawling immediately after the Jarrett video. Robinson calls for help to come try and restore order. Officials hit the ring but the brawl continues. WWE Friday Night SmackDown goes off the air with The Usos and The Street Profits brawling.

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