WWE Monday Night Raw Full Results (July 31st, 2023)

The Summer Slam 2023 go-home edition of WWE Monday Night Raw opens with a graphic in memory of “Exotic” Adrian Street, who passed away on July 24 at the age of 82. We’re now live from the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas as Kevin Patrick welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by Corey Graves. They hype tonight’s show.

Here The WWE Monday Night Raw Full Results

– We go to the ring and Logan Paul makes his way to the ring. We see what happened between Paul and Ricochet last week. Patrick hypes their Summer Slam match.

Paul gives a shout-out to Houston, but then insults the fans to boos. He’s not here for brain-dead fans, he’s here for Ricochet. Fans chant “you suck!” now. Paul goes on about how he tried introducing Ricochet to his audience, who are nothing like these fans, as a way to hype their Summer Slam match, but he was victimized. Paul says you can forget about a fight, he’s going to beat Ricochet in the most viral WWE match ever. There’s nothing he won’t… the music interrupts and here comes Ricochet to a pop.

Ricochet says last week he was in Paul’s livestream but he’s in his head this week. He knocks Paul for buying online followers and says no matter how Paul spins it, Paul is not the good guy. Ricochet does respect how Paul is an athlete and a show-man. Paul really appreciates that. He goes to give Ricochet props but a “you suck!” chant interrupts. Paul says Ricochet was one of the best until Paul showed up. 

Logan Paul talks about their history going back to Royal Rumble and then he shows us a replay of their springboard collision. Paul agrees they will put on a hell of a match. Paul offers his hand and Ricochet finally shakes it. Ricochet goes to leave but Paul stops him and brings up how Ricochet’s girlfriend Samantha Irvin will announce him as the winner, and he hopes there will be no hard feelings then. 

Ricochet attacks and takes Paul down, unloading on him. They go at it and Ricochet gets the upperhand. Ricochet goes to the apron and springboards in but Logan Paul decks him in mid-air with a big right hand. Logan Paul stands tall while Ricochet is laid out.

– We see what happened last week with Drew McIntyre, Matt Riddle and Imperium. Jackie Redmond at backstage with Imperium now. WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER is not worried about McIntyre, his only concern right now is disappointment with Ludwig Kaiser, who could’ve stopped all this last week. And don’t even get him started with Giovanni Vinci. GUNTHER was ready to end Drew tonight but he’s not here due to a prior commitment, so Kaiser will have the chance to finish that meddling maggot Riddle. GUNTHER says then he will end Drew for good at Summer Slam.

– Ludwig Kaiser defeated Matt Riddle via pinfall. After the match, Kaiser stands tall. GUNTHER comes in and shakes Kaiser’s hand. Imperium now poses.

– We see how The Viking Raiders recently defeated Alpha Academy in a six-person Viking Rules match. We now see Maxxine Dupri warming up at backstage with her stablemates. We also see Valhalla at backstage with The Vikings.

– Still to come, Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes are here.

– Byron Saxton catches up with Logan Paul at backstage. Paul says he gave Ricochet just a small taste of what he will get at Summer Slam. Paul promises their match will be one of the most viral in WWE history. Paul says Ricochet always claims to be one step ahead of him… so what happened tonight? Paul says Ricochet looks like a fully grown fetus. He swats Byron’s mic away and walks off.

– We get a lengthy music video on Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes.

– Maxxine Dupri defeated Valhalla via pinfall. After the match, Alpha Academy celebrates.

– We see the big week that The Judgment Day had last week.

– The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Damian Priest, WWE NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio, and WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley makes their way to the ring.

– Tommaso Ciampa confronts Shinsuke Nakamura at backstage. Ciampa says they could’ve went their separate ways, but Nakamura has a problem and Ciampa is here to fix that problem tonight. Ciampa needs momentum for the SummerSlam Battle Royal, so he will beat Nakamura tonight and then win the Battle Royal. Nakamura says he will see Ciampa in the ring tonight, and it will be he who wins the Battle Royal… problem solved. Nakamura taunts Ciampa and walks off. 

– We go back to the ring and The Judgment Day is introduced by Samantha Irvin. Priest calls on everyone to rise. Ripley takes the mic and goes on about how The Judgment Day has been dominating, so who’s going to take them out? Priest names WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, and even Liv Morgan… so no, no one can stop The Judgment Day. Priest says if Sami and Seth show up tonight, he and Dominik will be sure to beat them again. 

Finn Balor knocks Rollins for faking insanity. Balor says insanity is waking up every day for 7 years and looking at yourself, and seeing scars caused by Rollins, which remind him of a career Rollins ruined and spoiled. Balor can’t erase that but at Summer Slam he can inflict scars on Rollins, which will make him a little bit better because these will remind Rollins of when Balor beat him for the title.

Dominik goes to speak but the loud boos drown him out. He says all of The Judgment Day will have all the goodies at Summer Slam. Fans chant “you suck!” at Dominik and he yells back but they keep booing. Ripley says any idiot who wants to get in their way, take a page out of Raquel Rodriguez’s book – run, hide or learn to enjoy your time in rehab just like Owens and Liv. The music interrupts and here comes Rodriguez to a big pop.

Rodriguez rushes the ring as Ripley readies for a fight. They start brawling and go back & forth now. Rodriguez clotheslines Ripley to the floor and stands tall to a pop. Rodriguez follows and slams Ripley into the barrier, then spine-first into the ring post. Rodriguez continues man-handling Ripley at ringside. Dominik distracts her, allowing Ripley to take Raquel’s knee out from behind. Ripley laughs as officials rush over to check on Rodriguez. Ripley attacks the knee again, then backs off. The Judgment Day laughs at Rodriguez while officials tend to her.

– We get a lengthy video package on Ronda Rousey vs. Shayna Baszler, with new comments from both. Their SummerSlam match will now be held under MMA Rules.

– Alpha Academy at backstage. Chad Gable says Maxxine Dupri represented The Academy well tonight, just like he or Otis will when they win the Summer Slam Battle Royal. Imperium walks up. WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER isn’t impressed with Alpha Academy, and says they should be talking about Ludwig Kaiser’s performance instead. Dupri speaks up and says her guys are former tag team champions, and Olympic athletes. 

GUNTHER wonders why she’s hanging out with this freak Otis. Kaiser says Gable wouldn’t last five minutes with The Ring General. GUNTHER says he’s been dealing with some things for a few weeks, so his soul would do well with dragging Gable around the ring. GUNTHER tells Gable to put a clock on the wall, he won’t need it. Gable steps up to GUNTHER and says if he wants this match, leave Imperium in the back. GUNTHER agrees.

– Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Tommaso Ciampa via pinfall. After the match, Nakamura stands tall. We see Reed looking on from backstage.

– We see what happened on SmackDown between Jey Uso and Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. The announcers hype Tribal Combat at Summer Slam.

– Still to come, Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes. 

– Raquel Rodriguez is in the trainer’s room having her knee worked on. Adam Pearce enters and says he knows she wants a match with WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley, but she’s not cleared. Pearce gives his word – as soon as Rodriguez is medically cleared, the match is hers.

– Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring to a pop but also some boos. Lesnar isn’t smiling much tonight as he marches to the ring with a serious look on his face. Fans chant “Cody!” as Lesnar takes the mic. He introduces himself as Brock Lesnar, a NCAA Heavyweight Champion, a UFC Heavyweight Champion, and a WWE Heavyweight Champion of the world… so if there’s one thing he knows about championships, it’s that this is Fight Week. Fans are giving Lesnar the “What?!” treatment and he’s toying with them.

Lesnar says the hype is over… this Saturday at SummerSlam in Detroit… he gets paid to fight, to kick ass, against Cody Rhodes. This Saturday at SummerSlam… Cody gets paid to get his ass kicked by Brock Lesnar. Lesnar says let’s cut the crap… he’s already been here too long tonight. Lesnar calls Cody out to come tell him otherwise, and he will respect that. Lesnar tells Cody to come shake his hand, look him in the eyes and he will see him Saturday. But if Cody doesn’t, Lesnar will still see him Saturday. 

Lesnar gives Cody about five seconds before he leaves this town. Lesnar counts but the music hits and out comes Cody to a big pop and pyro. Cody cautiously circles the ring as fans chant his name. Cody is all business tonight as he enters the ring. Lesnar removes his cowboy hat and stares Cody down. Cody offers his hand as Lesnar smirks. Lesnar shakes Cody’s hand and steps closer to him as they now face off. Cody pulls Lesnar in and apparently says something in his ear. 

Lesnar responds by briefly bumping Cody with his shoulder, then he walks off. Lesnar exits the ring as Cody looks on. Cody now runs the ring and hits a suicide dive but Lesnar turns around as soon as he hits the floor. Lesnar unloads on Cody and hits him in the face with steel ring steps. Cody crawls away but Lesnar hits him with the steps again. Lesnar goes to leave, but comes back over and decks Cody, then hits him with the stairs again. 

Lesnar’s music hits again and he heads up the ramp but Cody is back to his feet. Lesnar comes back down and knocks Cody into the ring. Lesnar with a big F5 in the middle of the ring. Lesnar puts his cowboy hat back on and tips it at Cody, who is still down. Lesnar exits the ring while Cody struggles to get back up.

– GUNTHER defeated Chad Gable via pinfall. After the match, GUNTHER stood on the announce table and issued a warning to Drew McIntyre, promising to end him once and for all at Summer Slam.

– We see Seth Rollins and Sami Zayn at backstage, and they are fired up for the main event.

– We see what Brock Lesnar did to Cody Rhodes. Byron at backstage with Cody now and he’s confident he will still be able to compete, promising to shatter the aura of The Beast on Saturday

– Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring to a pop. Lynch goes on about how she’s earned her rematch with WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus. She calls Trish out, who brings Zoey Stark with her. Trish, who is still wearing her protective face mask, is down for the match but only when she says it will happen. Adam Pearce interrupts and says the match is happening tonight. He calls for a referee.

– Becky Lynch defeated Trish Stratus via disqualification after Zoey Stark attacking Lynch. After the match, Lynch fights Stark off but Trish saves her and they double team now. Lynch ends up sending Trish into the timekeeper’s area and ripping the mask off. This leads to Lynch fighting with Stark until Trish hit her with a chair. They pose over her.

– Adam Pearce at backstage with Trish Stratus and Zoey Stark. He says that was unacceptable. They say they delivered on the rematch. Pearce announces Lynch vs. Stratus for RAW in Winnipeg in two weeks. Stark will be banned from ringside.

– We get part 2 of the video package for Ronda Rousey vs. Shayna Baszler. They both get emotional.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins and Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Sami Zayn defeated NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest via pinfall. After the match, Rollins and Zayn stand tall and celebrate as The Judgment Day looks on. The final Monday Night Raw before Summer Slam goes off the air.

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