At WrestleMania 39, The United States Champion Austin Theory defeated John Cena via pinfall and successfully retained...
Austin Theory
Despite failing in his Money in the Bank cash-in attempt, Austin Theory has reinvented himself with a...
On January 30, it was announced that Austin Theory would defend the United States Championship in an...
Original Plans For Edge Reportedly Cancelled At Royal Rumble During the recent Royal Rumble event, WWE Hall...
Seth Rollins WrestleMania 39 Opponent Update The former WWE Champion Seth Rollins is reported to have a...
Austin Theory About His Run As Mr. Money In The Bank Recently, Austin Theory spoke about his...
John Cena To Face Current Champion At WrestleMania 39 With WrestleMania 39 fast approaching, recent reports have...
The Leader of Cenation John Cena’s last WWE appearance came on the June 27th special edition of...
The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns holds the both WWE and Universal titles and the company recently considered...
On this week’s WWE Monday Night Raw, Seth Rollins first came out to issue open challenge for...