WWE Superstar Jinder Mahal 170-day WWE Title run ended abruptly before the 2017 Survivor Series as AJ Styles...
Jinder Mahal
On this week’s WWE Monday Night Raw, Scottish Warrior Drew McIntyre battled his his former 3MB member...
The former WWE Champion Jinder Mahal recently returned to WWE after a long hiatus. Before his hiatus,...
The Modern Day Maharaj Jinder Mahal recently returned to WWE TV after recovering from his injury. He...
On this week’s Monday Night Raw, former WWE Champion Jinder Mahal made his return to WWE after...
Jinder Mahal out of action due to Knee Surgery Jinder Mahal is out of action once again...
5 Surprises that could happen on RAW Because RAW is weighed down with an extra hour, sometimes...